February 18, 2008
Sledi čudovita stvar, vredna branja. Vsaj zame. In mogoče za ostale starše otrok s PP, ki bodo naleteli na te vrstice. Zame kot nek totem. To bom zagotovo prebrala še mnogokrat!
V meni so se ob tem prebudile solzice... Ja, res je. A verjetno so bile to solzice sreče. In solzice upanja.
Sreče zato, ker se zavedam, da mi Sara daje vse to. Da me uči. Upanja pa zato, ker močno upam, da ji bom znala pokazati, kako dragoceno je to. Kako dragocena je ona. Da se bo znala zavedati, da je ona žarek, ki mi kaže pot.
I am the child who cannot talk. You often pity me, I see it in your eyes.
You wonder how much I am aware of. I see that as well. I am aware of
much ... whether you are happy or sad or fearful, patient or impatient,
full of love and desire, or if you are just doing your duty by me. I
at your frustration, knowing mine to be far greater, for I cannot express
myself or my needs as you do.
You cannot conceive my isolation, so complete it is at times. I do not
you with clever conversation, cute remarks to be laughed over and
I do not give you answers to your everyday questions, responses over
my well
being, sharing my needs, or comments about the world about me. I do
not give
you rewards as defined by the world's standards.. great strides in
that you can credit yourself; I do not give you understanding as you
know it.
What I give you is so much more valuable... I give you instead
Opportunities to discover the depth of your character, not mine; the
depth of
your love, your commitment, your patience, your abilities; the
opportunity to
explore your spirit more deeply than you imagined possible. I drive you
further than you would ever go on your own, working harder, seeking
to your many questions with no answers. I am the child who cannot talk.
I am the child who cannot walk. The world seems to pass me by. You see the
longing in my eyes to get out of this chair, to run and play like other
children. There is much you take for granted. I want the toys on the
I need to go to the bathroom, oh I've dropped my fork again. I am
on you in these ways. My gift to you is to make you more aware of your
fortune, your healthy back and legs, your ability to do for yourself.
Sometimes people appear not to notice me; I always notice them. I feel not
so much envy as desire, desire to stand upright, to put one foot in
front of
the other, to be independent. I give you awareness. I am the child who
cannot walk.
I am the child who is mentally impaired. I don't learn easily, if you
judge me
by the world's measuring stick, what I do know is infinite joy in simple
things. I am not burdened as you are with the strifes and conflicts of
a more
complicated life. My gift to you is to grant you the freedom to enjoy
as a child, to teach you how much your arms around me mean, to give you
love. I give you the gift of simplicity. I am the child who is
mentally impaired.
I am the disabled child. I am your teacher. If you allow me, I will
teach you
what is really important in life. I will give you and teach you
love. I gift you with my innocent trust, my dependency upon you. I
teach you
about how precious this life is and about not taking things for granted. I
teach you about forgetting your own needs and desires and dreams.. I teach
you giving. Most of all I teach you hope and faith. I am the disabled
~ Author Unknown
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No, solzice nispo pritekle samo tebi, tud men so....res lepo napisano in (upam, da te to ne bo motilo) tudi jaz bom to pripopala na svoj blog, da se bo cim vec ljudi zavedala, kako dragoceni so tudi malce drugacni ljudje in da to drugacnost ne bi jemali kot nekaj "strasljivega", ampak lepega....res se lahko veliko naucimo od njih in tudi mi, tako kot ti, se veliko naucimo od tvoje Sarcike....imejta se se naprej tako radi in uzivajta v skupnih trenutkih....
Lepo napisano in če dobro premisim verjetno vse skupaj še kako drži. Malo preberi tvoje poste in boš videla, kako ti doživljaš ljubko Saro in kako doživljaš njeno "drugačnost". Zdi se mi kot bi napisala sama ti, ker si velikokrat kaj podobnega že napisala.
In to kar piše še kako drži. Žalostno je edino to, da mora biti prav bolezen tista, ki človeka spremeni in mu da vedeti, da se svet ne vrti samo nokli njega amapk so na svetu tudi drugi ljudje
in da se svet ne vrti samo okli njega in da začne ceniti vsako majhno stavar, majhen dosežek, ki ga verjetno prej še opazil ni.
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