May 8, 2007


Na Portugalskem so ugrabili deklico... Zvedela tam na MONu... Sicer v anglescini, a malo za premislit.
In kaj jaz mislim? Starsi so pustili majhne otroke v apartmaju, da so si lahko privoscili 'fancy' vecerjo. Cekirali so na vsake pol ure, a deklica je izginila ravno, ko so se vrnili iz vecerje. Jaz ne verjamem, da so sploh cekirali, ker ni mogla pa lih zadnje pol ure izginit, sredi noci. Do takrat bi ze zaspala, ce mene kdo vprasa. In kaksni starsi so to, saj ce imas tri majhne otroke, si pa ja pri zdravi pameti tega ne privoscis? Sploh ne v tujini. In kako le zna biti draga vecerja s prijatelji bolj pomembna od druzine, varnosti? Mislim, jaz tudi otroka, ki bi ze razumel (triletna deklica in dvoletna dvojcka mislim da se niso tega zmozni), se pravi tam okoli pet let ali celo vec, nebi puscala samega nekje na tujem.
Mislim, sem kar brez besed ostala, saj to ni vzgoja, to ni varnost, to ni odgovornost, to ni zrelost, to ni sposobnost. Kako naj se otrok ob starsih pocuti varnega, ce je sam? Kako naj zraste v odraslo, odgovorno, zrelo, samostojno osebnost, ce nima zgleda? Otroci v odrascanju rabijo trden in mocan zgled, najbolj pri strarsih, nato v sorodstvu, pri sosedih, prijateljih... Ta zgled jih mora voditi, v rosnih letih jim mora pokazati temelje odlocanja, presojanja, da vedo kaj je prav in kaj ne. Kasneje v mladosti mora biti ta zgled oporni steber, ki je vedno tam zraven, da svetuje, cestita za dobro in kritizira za slabo. In ob vstopanju v samostojnost mora ta zgled budno paziti, ce gre vse v pravo smer. Ne more pa si nekdo privosciti, da bo imel majhne otroke in bo na dopustu uzival, kot nekoc. Saj otroci niso na baterije, da bi jih izklopili, ko rabimo cas zase. Mi se moramo prilagajati, svoje zelje po prostih trenutkih v dvoje moramo prilagoditi, ali z zagotovitvijo varstva, ali pa s spremebo zahtev, da si znamo utrgati pet minutk vprico otrok. Le tako bodo oni znali potem cez dolga leta pokazati, da smo jih naucili prav, ker bojo svojim otrokom dobri starsi.

Maddy McCann

Madeline McCann is a three year old, British female who was vacationing, with her parents. Mommy and Daddy, both doctors (I might add), left Madeline, and her two-year-old, twin siblings in a vacation apartment ALONE and headed off to a nice, cushy dinner with their friends. Now... because they "weren't very far away", they thought this was ok. Yes. Leaving a three year old with two, two year olds, AT NIGHT, in a FOREIGN COUNTRY, is sooooooo responsible *heavy sarcasm*.

"They discovered her disappearance on returning from a meal at a nearby tapas restaurant, having left their three children in the bedroom of their apartment while they ate.Mr and Mrs McCann, both 38-year-old doctors, found the bedroom's windows forced open and the door ajar – although nothing had been taken from the room."

Now... I realize that this is probably "not the right time" to parent bash... but, WHAT THE FUCK, people!?! What kind of parent does this? What would these parents, PHYSICIANS at that, have done if one of the two year olds had rolled out of bed and knocked themselves unconscious on a bedside table? Was the three year old supposed to dial 911, or whatever the island has to offer in emergency services? What if one of the children had vomited and choked? Heck...what if, as children do, one of the children had woke-up and found mummy and daddy absent and disintegrated into a fit of hysterical panic? Was little Maddy supposed to be "a big girl"? Newsflash: if you have enough money to take exotic vacations and go out for fancy dinners, then you have enough money to utilize the hotels "creche" (babysitting) service! Also, if you're travelling with a group of people and they have teen aged children, you should pony-up the few pounds to have someone sit with your children!

Of course,... the parents are angry because the local law officials aren't moving fast enough. And, who knows...maybe they're not. But... who's to say that little Maddy didn't wander off to find mum and dad? It amazes me that these people have the balls to place blame on anyone other than themselves.

Now...what are these parents doing to aid in finding their daughter?

Gerry and Kate McCann attended church in the Praia da Luz holiday village, where their daughter Madeleine disappeared on Thursday night from the family's villa apartment."

Clutching Maddy’s favourite toy, a pink cuddly kitten, Mrs McCann, 38, stood beside husband Gerry after a church service to pray for Maddy, who will be four on Saturday. Her voice choking with anguish, Mrs McCann said: “Gerry and I would just like to express our sincere gratitude and thanks to everybody, particularly the local community here who have offered so much support."

Yesterday the family, who are devout Catholics, turned to their faith for support to try to help them through their ordeal. They attended the 90-minute service at a 16th century church in the upmarket resort of Praia da Luz.Agonisingly, yesterday was Dia de Mae in Portugal – Mother’s Day."

I'm sorry. I can't let this go. Your daughter, a beautiful, vivacious three year old has been abducted, due to your negligence, and you're spending 90 minutes sitting in mass? I hate to play the "...if this was my child card.", but...IF THIS WERE MY CHILD, you can bet your ass I would've been spending that 90 minutes walking door-to-fucking-door looking for anyone or anything that might lead to information. And, I would probably be so distraught that the idea of going to Church on MOTHER'S DAY (in Portugal), to receive a symbolic gift of roses from an alter girl, would be the furthest idea from my mind.

A 14-year-old altar girl took Madeleine’s place and walked up the aisle to present tearful Mrs McCann with red and pink roses.Before the service, Father Jose Pacheco warned Mrs McCann of the tradition where children give their mothers flowers, fearing it may be too heartbreaking for her.But she insisted that she wanted to be there.

Father Joe probably offered the family a private prayer meeting and blessing, but...oh no... not for this family. She sat. In a church. For 90 minutes. And, was a media darling. *shakes head*

No. No. No. No. Your child has been abducted, because you and your hubby thought "spot checking" every hour, from seven to eleven, was responsible... you officially fail at parenting. If I were "insisting" to be anywhere, it would be one of two places: at the scene of the crime or defiantly and persistently dogging every person within a ten miles radius. This little girl wasn't randomly chosen. Twenty bucks says that this child was stalked because someone noticed that mum and dad were leaving the table to "go check on something" in their apartment. Gee...after the first two hours, do you think it might've been possible that an opportunistic pedophile might have said, "Hmmm...I wonder if there are children, alone, in that room?"

Mark Warner offers a crèche and individual babysitters but the McCanns chose not to use either.

I hate to be the catty bitch... but I wonder how much they spent on dinner?

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